Friday 18 May 2007

We're up!

Greetings! We at the Festival thought it was time to get on the blog just as things are really starting to heat up with the programme. We had a pre-launch party a few weeks ago in the opulent City Hall to give a sneak preview of the programme. Usually we dont release anything until July but, well, we just couldn't contain ourselves..

Its looking so exciting, minimalist dance from Sankai Juku of Japan, the wonderful Druid are coming back with the American classic Long Days Journey Into Night, loads of Irish Premieres- check out the website for more details ( . Autumn's gonna be good for theatre in Dublin. Loughlin our Artistic Director's off to the Kunsten Festival ( in Brussels this weekend to see some shows, its a great programme - If only we had their budget! It's Friday, its time to go home - talk soon...

Shauna Lyons
Marketing Assistant


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