Monday 6 October 2008

Festival Club Blog!

If you haven’t been at the Festival club then you are missing out! 11 nights into the Festival and the antics and fun have been spilling over from the theatres and into the Odessa Club, the official Festival club. Located in the city centre, in close proximity to all the venues, the Odessa has opened the doors to our participating artists and companies, festival staff, volunteers and our patrons and supporters. Open Sunday to Thursday until 12.30pm and late nights on Friday and Saturday, the Odessa has been home to informal chit chat about all that is happening in the Festival. Whether you are performing on stage, backstage or watching what is happening on stage, the Odessa is the perfect place to continue your Festival fun.

We kicked off our dancing shoes over the opening weekend with our first company night on Saturday, Many of our hard working artists arrived to let their hair down and dance the night away. With the music pumping, we had the boys from Black Watch showing off their Scottish reels, Coisceim showing people why they are one of our top dance companies and everyone throwing shapes and moves late into the night. Sunday was a more subdued affair as we toasted goodbye to the hard working and talented cast and crew of ‘Gatz’ and ‘England’ and ‘Between The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea’.

The festivities carried on through the week, with our Friends of the Festival on Monday, eager to meet one another and discuss all they had seen over opening weekend and to compare notes about what they had left to see. On Wednesday we had another company night which meant more dancing and late night madness! This past weekend brought our busiest nights so far, with the majority of companies in town, either with shows up and running or preparing to kick off for this week.

So, if you have not made it to the Odessa yet, be sure not to miss out this week! I expect that we will be busy again so arrive early in the night to guarantee entry and to be part of the unofficial theatrics of the festival that only occur after hours and behind the closed doors of the Odessa!

Sarah Baxter
Festival Club Host


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