Thursday 4 October 2007

Box Office Fever!

So here we are at the end of the first week in box office and its all going so fast! I’m caught between mourning the fact that Hibiki is already over and I’m not going to be able to see it again and shaking with the anticipation of FINALLY seeing Radio Macbeth! The show that when I heard was being programmed all those months ago, made me nearly fall off my seat with delight!

There is a feverish excitement here in the box office. We are selling tickets for all the remaining performances and the tickets are going like hot cakes! Between that and being on hand to staff the venues we are all caught up in this fantastic celebration of theatre… and it really does feel like a celebration! We’re selling faster than we ever have before… the phones are hopping, the internet is going mad and the box office is swarming with people!

This is my favourite period of the Festival. It’s so wonderful finally meeting everyone you’ve been in correspondence with over the last few months. There are people coming into the box office who have booked world months ago from all over the world and yet who are greeted like old friends! “Ahhh your Mr Johns! Yes… I remember you booked from Los Angeles in September! How nice to finally meet you!” Putting names to faces of people who’ve booked online and over the phone, and hearing what their highlight has been… so far… because there is always another performance to be booked and another play reading to be heard!

Hannah Curnow

Box Office Manager


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