Thursday 30 April 2009

Festival Season Starts

The sun is shining, the days are getting longer, that can only mean one thing. Festival season is starting. As we start kicking into gear for the Festival and begin the long nights finalising the programme, the Dublin Dance Festival is about to begin. Highlights include at the Abbey, Apocrifu;and One Shot by the award winning New York choreographer Ronald K Brown. Over in Project Arts Centre, make sure you don't miss Loin, Work in Regress, and Structure and Sadness. So much to see, the only problem will be trying to fit it all in.

On other Festival news, we are starting to recruit our seasonal positions and internships are still available so keep an eye on the website for updates. A great opportunity to get to know the industry,learn lots and most importantly enjoy yourself why you do it!

Finally, we've been nominated for an Event Industry Award for Best Entertainment Event, fingers crossed!

Shauna Lyons
Marketing Manager


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