Tuesday 29 September 2009

Buck Jones and the Body Snatchers is a theatrical romp which will leave you feeling satisfied that you’ve been thoroughly entertained. This show caught my eye as soon as the Ulster Bank Theatre Festival Programme was launched. The idea of following the cast around a Georgian building was intriguing and certainly different to any show I’d seen before.

This production is excellently performed, with highly hilarious characters. Busty wenches, highwaymen, murder and revenge – the play has it all.

From the moment the watchman bursts into the room, to the closing scenes in the graveyard, the cast have you roaring in your seat. With bawdy comedy and innuendo, mishap and misunderstandings, the five-strong group skilfully play out multiple characters while seamlessly directing you around the various rooms.

The fun costumes and unusual setting add to the charm and authenticity of the performance. Buck Jones and the Body Snatchers boasts a punchy pace and the movement works – it’s up close, personal and great fun. You never know what’s coming next. I went on the afternoon performance but I’d imagine it would be even more atmospheric in the evening.

Go if: you want to indulge in some unadulterated comedy.

Ulster Bank Dublin Theatre Festival is principally funded by the Arts Council.


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