Monday 5 October 2009

DV8's To Be Straight With You

Based on interviews with real people, DV8 fuses the energy of dance with the power of language and the possibilities of multi-media, to craft a beautiful and complex production which really has something worth saying.

Covering sexuality, race and religion, To Be Straight With You combines dance, music and interactive imagery with graffiti boards, news pieces and recorded telephone conversations to present worrying facts that show how prevalent prejudice remains across the globe.

Presenting various stories from many different viewpoints while transporting you to a range of countries, including South Africa, England and Nigeria, this multi-layered production shows the fragile and interchangeable nature of human understanding and tolerance. From activists to closet homosexuals, family beatings to religious pride and suffering, DV8 presents an all encompassing vision of what it is like to be gay in modern society.

As well as feeling suitably informed and probably outraged by the amount of injustice in the world, you’ll also leave admiring the beauty and intelligence of the show. The dance scenes are incredibly expressive and perfectly sychronised to the theme, music and multimedia. The interactive globe was particularly impressive and I was amazed by one of the most exciting and sensual duets I’ve seen on stage.

To Be Straight With You is a brave show which handles delicate themes in a humane and informative way without patronizing or insulting the audience. It’s exciting, important and I hope to see more.

Ulster Bank Dublin Theatre Festival is funded by the Arts Council.

Elizabeth rose Murray - Festival Blogger


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