Friday 27 August 2010

Behind the scenes of 565+

Over the next few weeks, we take a 'behind the scenes' look at some of the productions participating at this year's Festival. Today we look at the extraordinary story behind 565+.

Following the success of her sell-out show Victor and Gord, Úna McKevitt continues her practice of making theatre from everyday life, and illustrates how the celebration of theatre can enable us, the audience, to express our longings and needs with dignity and humour, redemption and forgiveness. Below is an excerpt by Director Una McKevitt from the 565+ Blog.

"The idea for this show was formed as a response to Generation 2009, an initiative by Project Brand New in association with The Bealtaine Festival, a celebration of creativity in older age. Project Brand New's approach is to celebrate this creativity through the collaboration of older participants with artists from, usually younger, generations.

I had shown my first work as a Director, Victor and Gord, as a work in progress in Project Brand New in January of that year and it struck me that I knew a woman of a certain age who loved the theatre and who, if the opportunity arose, would get more involved; Generation was the perfect opportunity. I invited Marie over to my house and we wrote our application. In the past 4 years we had spent a lot of time together attending plays and discussing theatre and what it meant to both of us. I was particularly struck by how Marie had a compulsion to attend the theatre, her appreciation of it seemed to go beyond that of a regular theatre goer. Marie doesn't just like the theatre, she needs it. This need became the basis of our appliction and continues to inform our process.

Marie and I researched and rehearsed together for three weeks before the incubation week in Project Arts Centre run by PBN. That week PBN matched us with an artist from London, David Berridge, who we had an immediate affinity with. David's initial interest was in the huge collection of programmes Marie had amassed and in presenting these as part of our design; as an artist he has a specific interest in scores and notations and during the week David worked with Marie filling sheet after sheet with her words which we presented on the stage for people to read after the performance. David also bravely agreed on the first day, despite never having performed before, to join Marie in the piece and both made their stage debut that week. We also benefitted greatly from the input and advice of our PBN mentor Dee Roycroft who gently nudged me out of the director's seat and into the performance on the final day of rehearsals." 
 To read the rest of this post please visit the 565+ Blog

565+ is at Ulster Bank Dublin Theatre Festival Sept 30 - Oct 3rd at Project Arts Centre, with previews on Sept 28 & 29.

More Info on 565+

Book Tickets for 565+

Úna Mc Kevitt is part of Project Catalyst, a Project Arts Centre initiative.
565+ is supported by Irish Theatre Trust and Project Arts Centre.


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