Wednesday 14 April 2010

The Habit of Art

Can it really be April already? All has been quiet on the blog front as we have been beavering away in the Festival offices, planning, scheduling and putting the intricate jigsaw that is a Festival together..

To keep everyone's theatrical appetites satiated, we are putting on the third in the series of NT Live, in association with the Irish Film Institute. The Habit of Art is the brand new show by writer of acclaimed 2008 show, The History Boys, Alan Bennett. It will have the usual pre-show behind the scenes action and interviews beamed onto the IFI screen and then kick off is at 7pm sharp. A great night out at the theatre for amazing value? I think so, for a major international production, tickets are only €15! Production quality is so good that you almost feel you're at the theatre itself!

Take a look at the trailer for NT live and see what its all about. Booking is through the IFI Box Office so get onto it before all those tickets are sold. Hopefully we'll see you there.

We will be announcing the 2010 programme at the end of July. Keep up to date with all Festival news by signing up to our ezine, become a facebook fan or send us a tweet.

Bye for now!

Ulster Bank Dublin Theatre Festival is funded by the Arts Council.


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