Wednesday 7 October 2009

Radio Muezzin

Radio Muezzin is calling you

Discussing the ancient Muslim tradition of adhan, or call to prayer, Radio Muezzin presents an open an honest portrayal of how new legislation in Egypt will affect the lives of Egyptian muezzins. It is a beautiful production which is as important as it is enlightening, filled with achingly poetic songs, masterful voices and bare, honest facts.

Soon to be replaced by live radio transmissions from 30 hand-picked muezzins, four Muslim men who play a role in the adhan invite the audience into their daily lives. Against a backdrop of prayer mats, private video footage, radio and strip lights, each has an original story to tell and gives a warm and generous account of their life.

Revealing their opinion of the legislative decision and the personal impact it will have, you’re given a rounded view of the situation in Egypt. It’s handled without lecturing or cajoling, which is particularly important in today’s cultural climate of religious ignorance and distrust.

Radio Muezzin is heartwarming and informative, but it’s not all serious; there’s a short-circuited gherkin, weightlifting and an interest in light-bulbs thrown in. You’ll just have to go and see it to find out the connection.

Ulster Bank Dublin Theatre Festival is funded by the Arts Council

Elizabeth rose Murray - Festival Blogger


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